March 17, 2010

the trees are blooming

Charles Stewart Parnell (27 June 1846 – 6 October 1891) was an Irish Protestant landowner, nationalist political leader, land reform agitator, and the founder and leader of the Irish Parliamentary Party. He is also a distant cousin, a leaf on a twig on a branch of my family tree.

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

scroll over images for source

Oh, the summertime is coming
And the trees are blooming
And the wild mountain thyme
Grows around the blooming heather

From "Wild Mountain Time (Traditional Irish)

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Karena said...

Susan, beautiful images, some very ethereal just lovely! Come see me!

Art by Karena

helle said...

Oh!!, how interesting - and I really see where your eyes and mouth come from in the family tree.

Wishing you a fine Sct. Patricks Day!


MFAMB said...

you find the prettiest, dreamiest images.

Chrisy said...

Glorious glorious post....Charlie would be proud!

susan said so said...

Helle - now that you point it out we do have the same down-turning eyes and mouth!

J - thanks! YOU always find the best of everything else!!

Chrisy - I often think of my ancestors, and wonder what they would think of me.


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