February 28, 2010

seams of walls and floors

We've finally gotten to the fun stuff: hanging pictures, fluffing pillows, having friends and family out for Sunday brunch -

All is well in our corner of Eden. 

My coffee and I stopped by the wickedly funny My Favorite and My Best this morning and sat, wide-eyed and smiling, as I watched this treasure Jenny had found in her inbox. It's so very perfect I had to share, because I know you'll love it, too. Watch:

See? I told you!

Houses, houses
Seams of walls and floors
Windows to hallways
Closed and open doors...

from Lost Things, by A Fine Frenzy


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MFAMB said...

honestly i think it's one of the most beautiful things i've seen in a while...i hope it spreads like viral wildfire...

Tess Kincaid said...

I love tweaking a new place to make it my own.


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