December 9, 2009

a word of cheer

Our first Christmas card of the season arrived today (Thank you, John & Sharon!). I usually punch a hole in the corner of each card and use a bit of twine or ribbon to hang them from the banisters, tucked among the garland and vintage ornaments. This year, in the interest of simplicity, there is no garland festooning the banisters. So, Plan B:

A few weeks ago I scored a photo holder at a thrift store much like the one below. I think I'll use it to display this year's cards. 

I like these display alternatives, too. Maybe next year...

A little smile, a word of cheer, 
A bit of love from someone near,
 A little gift from one held dear, 
Best wishes for the coming year… 
These make a Merry Christmas!

-John Greenleaf Whittier

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