I love inspiration boards. I love that they represent a glimpse into someone else's dreamworld, and how much - or how little - they reveal about the creator. Everything about an inspiration board is meaningful, from the objects and images displayed, to the method of affixing, to the placement on the board, and the board in the room.
Besides all that, I love collections of bit and bobs, fragments, flotsam and jetsam. It's good to have a place for all the bits you collect along the way, don't you think?
I have an inspiration board which is currently packed away, awaiting transport into an as-yet unknown location (aka: our new house, wherever that may be). In a hurry, I packed it whole, jingling and rattling and rustling in its wrappings. I wonder how much of it I'll change when I unpack it in its new home?


1 comment:
Very inspiring, a must-have!
Have a nice weekend, Susan
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