April 20, 2011

follow the changes

I've got all these things I want to say, except I don't really want to say them, because sometimes it's too much, too much for words, too much to reveal.

Instead I hopped over to Jenny's for a jolt of FEEL BETTER GOD DAMN IT, and that's exactly what I got plus an eyeful of gorgeous, so instead of all the things I can't/won't say, here's this:

All by artist Michelle Armasand so luscious I could just swim in them, float through those colors, wrap myself up in that light.

Do you have a favorite?

Colors, like features, 
follow the changes of the emotions. 
- Pablo Picasso

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1 comment:

life, in small chunks said...

Thanks for the nice comment on my blog. As for this - I think I feel the same way, many times. I think I don't have anything at all to say, and yet I have a lot to say but no way to say it or I just don't want to. doesn't help you any, but I'm glad I'm not the only one.
I did enjoy the paintings though - she has a wonderful way of evoking feelings - nice feelings - in her work.


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