The coyotes are back. We haven't seen or heard them since last winter...until tonight. I took the dogs out, and Derby and Nadia took off for the adjoining field, as always. A minute later, I heard, from the direction of the field, a long, slow, oooOOOOOOOOOOOooooo. The hair on the back of my neck bristled, and I shouted the dogs back to me through the darkness. They'll be going out on leashes after dark until Spring.
I'm not complaining; it's not like we live in the city...we're in their territory. See:
A friend lives here (below) - right IN L'ville - and she saw a coyote in her backyard not long ago.
In the ongoing battle between man and all the rest of the natural world, I can honestly say it would be okay with me if we don't win.
But I still don't want a coyote to eat my dogs.
moose molar ring, by Malodora on etsy |
Nature includes all of the universe
and man is not only a part of nature,
he is in it up to his neck.
~ N.J. Berrill