July 25, 2009

I believe it's time for me to fly...

Sometimes events conspire to create the perfect storm - bit by bit, pieces fall into place until suddenly (it seems, although it isn't, really) I'm overwhelmed by the urge to do something, change something, make a move.

Sometimes those urges pass unanswered.

Sometimes, big changes ensue.

Take a trip to Scotland, rich with rural beauty and long views of the sea, sky, and rolling hills. Add a wife who fills my inbox with photos of quaint homes on local acreage. Toss in my odd but unfulfilled longing for a clothesline, and a handful of barking JRTs who really need room to run...Let simmer for a few months, and you've got me, thinking it may really be time to move back to the country.


Carol Murdock said...

Now I wouldn't mind a trip to Scotland myself!

Jamie and Claire Tour said...

Oh Susan, It's a shame we didn't meet when you were here in Scotland. And two minutes ago I was expounding to one of our future Outlandish Spirits about the freshness of laundry on a clothes line. There is so much to experience here in the countryside of Scotland. Did you know that lots of villages here are starting low carbon footprint projects? The countryside is an amazing place here and in other parts of the world. Who would not want to experience it? I hope you get to fulfill your next dream! Samantha

Marsha said...

Four minutes ago the countdown dropped to 179 days. In the meantime, I go to Berneray in my dreams - seeing the road disappearing over the rise to that unbelieveable blue sky that goes on forever --- fences hung with soft, coarse tufts of sheep "wool"---- delicate pink ragged robin in the low places, and the wind, always the wind whistling past my ears. All - just out of reach!


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